Kreative Businessfotos "mal anders"

Wer er sagt denn, dass Businessfotos immer vor einem einheitlichen Hintergrund im Studio gemacht werden müssen? Zeig dich, wie du bist - und wie dein Business tickt. Gerade beim Coaching finde ich das ganz besonders wichtig. Dein Business lebt von deiner Persönlichkeit, ist verknüpft mit dir, deinem Leben und mit deinen Träumen.

Lass uns das auch in den Fotos zeigen, denn du bist dein Leuchtturm und möchtest ja auch nur die Schiffe in deinen Hafen locken, die zu dir und deinem Business passen. Denn der Erfolg fängt bei und mit dir an, mit deiner Einstellung und deiner Präsentation - und mit deinem Lächeln ;-)

Und wofür die liebe Myriam ihre Fotos gebraucht hat, seht ihr unter

Professional indoor portrait featuring light blazer and dark outfit against textured brick background.
Candid outdoor portrait of someone leaning on a wooden railing with a gentle smile.
Person in white sweater and jeans poses casually against a tree trunk in natural outdoor setting.
Natural portrait of someone resting against a wooden fence in soft sunlight.
Casual portrait of person in orange hoodie sitting on fallen logs in forest setting.
Joyful leap captured on fallen tree logs with person wearing coral hoodie against leafy backdrop.
Person in white sweater and jeans jumps joyfully on wooden boardwalk surrounded by greenery.
Person in casual attire playing with a small white dog on a rural road.
Person sitting casually on a country road wearing jeans and a light sweater.
Professional headshot with white blazer and black top against classic brick building backdrop.
Person in bright orange zip-up and jeans relaxes on rustic log pile outdoors.
Natural light portrait of someone with a warm smile in a casual white sweater.
Bright outdoor portrait of someone with short hair wearing a light-colored sweater.
Business portrait showing confident pose against architectural brick wall with window details.
Professional portrait of a person in a white blazer and dark outfit standing against a brick wall with arched windows.
Person leaps with outstretched arms on wooden boardwalk against sunny natural backdrop.
Casual outdoor portrait of someone in a white sweater with arms crossed.
Person in coral hoodie and jeans sits casually on stack of logs in wooded setting.
Stylish business portrait against brick exterior featuring white blazer and confident crossed-arm pose.
Indoor business portrait with white blazer showing relaxed pose at wooden table.
Warm professional portrait against brick wall showcasing business attire and friendly expression.
Person in light sweater smiles warmly while leaning against tree trunk outdoors.
Professional headshot featuring white blazer and black top in warm indoor setting.
Professional portrait against brick building wearing white cape blazer and black pants.
Energetic jump captured mid-air on wooden walkway with arms raised in celebration.
Portrait of someone in a white sweater with short hair smiling warmly outdoors.

Businessfotos Fotograf Bochum | NRW