Babybauchfotos am Uemminger Hof in Bochum

Kugelrunde Babybauchfotos sind sichtbar gewordenen Liebe - für immer festgehalten in Erinnerungsfotos an diese wundervolle, kurze Zeit, bevor ihr eurer Glück in euren Händen halten könnt. Ich liebe diese Fotoshootings, denn schwangere Frauen haben einen ganz besonderen Zauber ;-)

Nun haben wir mittlerweile auch das Newborn-Fotoshooting im Kasten, genauso zauberhaft wie diese Momente hier. Bald zeige ich euch mehr von den beiden - nun zu dritt.

A couple in white shirts stands against a brick wall while sharing a tender pregnancy moment together.
An expectant couple poses together against a rustic wooden door for a maternity photo.
A romantic black and white portrait of an expectant couple sharing a tender moment against a brick wall.
A black and white silhouette of a pregnant woman and her partner standing in a doorway with natural light behind them.
A joyful black and white maternity photo of a couple sharing a tender moment outdoors in a garden setting.
A couple stands together outside a brick church, sharing a tender moment during their maternity photo session.
A couple poses together against a wall of white roses, with one person wearing a black maternity dress.
A couple stands together against a rustic brick wall with a wagon wheel and woodpile visible in the background.
Couple shares a joyful moment together in front of blooming white roses in a garden setting.
A black and white portrait of an expectant mother in a dark dress standing in profile against a softly lit interior.

Hochzeitsfotografin Bochum | NRW

Christina Förster Fotografie